Oxolinic Acid Powder

Oxolinic Acid Powder

Spec./Purity: 99% (Other specifications can be customized)
Source:synthetically produced
CAS Number:14698-29-4
Appearance: White powder
Main function: Treatment of bacterial infections in animals and rice
Test Method: HPLC
Certificate: CGMP, ISO22000, HACCP, ISO9001,FAMI-QS, IP, Kosher, HALAL
Free Sample Available
Gluten free,no Allergen,Non-GMO
Average annual output of all products:3000 tons
Delivery Time: Delivery within 3 day from warehouse

Application Category

What is Oxolinic Acid Powder?

Oxolinic acid powder is a synthetic antibiotic belonging to the quinolone class of antimicrobial agents. It is used primarily in veterinary medicine for the treatment of bacterial infections in animals, particularly in fish farming and aquaculture.Welcome to Xi'an RyonBio Biotechnology, your trusted partner in plant extract manufacturing and online marketing for the global market. We take pride in introducing our premier product: Oxolinic Acid.

Oxolinic Acid



1.  Antibacterial Movement: Oxolinic corrosive applies its work by restraining the movement of bacterial DNA gyrase, an chemical basic for bacterial DNA replication. This activity disturbs the development and propagation of vulnerable microbes, subsequently combating bacterial diseases in animals.
2.  Treatment of Bacterial Diseases: It is compelling against a wide extend of gram-negative microscopic organisms, counting those commonly related with angle and sea-going creature illnesses such as Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, and Vibrio species. It is utilized to treat bacterial diseases in different sea-going species, advancing the wellbeing and efficiency of angle ranches and aquaculture operations.
3.  Control of Malady Episodes: In aquaculture settings, where bacterial diseases can rapidly spread and cause critical financial misfortunes, It plays a pivotal part in controlling infection episodes. By successfully treating contaminated creatures, it makes a difference avoid the assist spread of pathogens inside oceanic populations.
4.  Improvement of Creature Welfare: Treating bacterial diseases in creatures with it not as it were reduces enduring caused by illness but too contributes to the generally welfare and well-being of cultivated angle and oceanic species. Sound creatures are more versatile to stressors and natural challenges, driving to progressed development rates and generation yields.





1.  Treatment of Bacterial Diseases in Angle and Sea-going Creatures: One of the essential applications of it is for the treatment of bacterial diseases in angle and sea-going creatures. It is successful against a wide run of gram-negative microscopic organisms commonly related with maladies in aquaculture, counting Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, and Vibrio species. It is utilized to treat diseases such as bacterial gill illness, bacterial septicemia, and furunculosis in angle and shrimp.
2.  Disease Avoidance and Control: It is too utilized as a preventive degree to control bacterial infections in angle ranches and aquaculture operations. By treating contaminated creatures and anticipating the spread of pathogens inside sea-going populaces, oxolinic acid makes a difference minimize the chance of infection flare-ups and related financial losses.
3.  Improvement of Creature Welfare: Treating bacterial contaminations in angle and sea-going creatures with it makes a difference lighten enduring and progress creature welfare. Sound creatures are more flexible to stressors and natural challenges, driving to moved forward development rates, generation yields, and generally well-being.
4.  Support for Maintainable Aquaculture: The utilize of oxolinic acid powder, along with other administration hones, contributes to the supportability of aquaculture by advancing the wellbeing and efficiency of cultivated angle and sea-going species. By controlling bacterial infections and decreasing the require for more broad anti-microbial medicines, oxolinic acid bolsters ecologically capable aquaculture hones.




OEM/ODM Services

At Xi'an RyonBio Biotechnology, we understand the importance of customization. Our commitment to excellence extends to providing comprehensive OEM/ODM services, tailored to meet the unique requirements of our clients. With our expertise and resources, we facilitate seamless integration of it into your formulations, ensuring optimal performance and customer satisfaction.

ryonbio oem



Rest assured, our dedication to quality and safety is reaffirmed by prestigious certifications including FSSC22000, ISO22000, HALAL, KOSHER, and HACCP. These endorsements underscore our adherence to stringent standards, guaranteeing the integrity and reliability of our products.



Our Factory

Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility adheres to the highest industry standards, equipped with cutting-edge technology and a skilled workforce. From sourcing premium raw materials to meticulous production processes, every step is meticulously executed to deliver products of uncompromising quality.

ryonbio factory


Why Choose Us?

  • Unparalleled Quality: Our commitment to excellence ensures superior quality products that meet the highest standards.
  • Customization: We offer flexible OEM/ODM services tailored to your specific needs, ensuring satisfaction and success.
  • Regulatory Compliance: With prestigious certifications, we assure compliance with international regulations and standards.
  • Expertise and Innovation: Backed by years of experience and continuous research, we offer innovative solutions that drive results.
  • Customer-Centric Approach: Your satisfaction is our priority, and we strive to exceed expectations through personalized service and support.

why choose ryonbio



Q:What types of bacterial infections can it treat?
A:It is effective against a wide range of gram-negative bacteria commonly associated with diseases in fish and aquatic animals, including Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, and Vibrio species. It is used to treat infections such as bacterial gill disease, bacterial septicemia, and furunculosis in fish and shrimp.
Q:How is it administered?
A:It is typically administered orally to fish and aquatic animals by mixing it with feed or water. The dosage and duration of treatment may vary depending on the type and severity of the infection, as well as the species of animal being treated.
Q:Is it safe for use in animals?
A:When used as directed by a veterinarian or aquaculture professional, It is generally considered safe and effective for the treatment of bacterial infections in animals. However, it's important to follow appropriate dosing regimens and withdrawal periods to minimize the risk of adverse effects and ensure food safety.


Logistics Packaging

Our meticulous packaging process ensures the integrity and safety of it during transit. Each shipment is securely packaged to withstand the rigors of transportation, minimizing the risk of damage or contamination.

ryonbio packaging


Contact Us

Ready to experience the unmatched quality and reliability of Oxolinic Acid Powder? Contact us today at kiyo@xarbkj.com to discuss your requirements and explore partnership opportunities. Let us be your partner in success with Xi'an RyonBio Biotechnology.

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