Dark Tea Extract

Dark Tea Extract

Spec./Purity: 50% ,30%(Other specifications can be customized)
Source:Dark tea prepared from large leaf tea
CAS Number:Please contact us
Appearance: Brown to brown-black powder
Main function:Weight loss, antioxidant, immunity enhancement
Test Method: TLC/UV
Certificate: HACCP, FAMI-QS, IP, Kosher, CGMP, ISO9001, ISO22000, HALAL
Free Sample Available
Gluten free,no Allergen,Non-GMO
Average annual output of all products:3000 tons
Delivery Time: Delivery within 2 day from warehouse

Application Category

What is Dark Tea Extract?

Dark tea extract is derived from the leaves of fermented Camellia sinensis tea plants. Unlike green tea, which is minimally oxidized, dark tea undergoes a longer fermentation process, leading to unique flavor profiles and chemical compositions. This type of tea, also known as post-fermented tea or aged tea, is prominent in Chinese tea culture, with varieties such as Pu-erh being widely consumed.Welcome to Xi'an RyonBio Biotechnology's professional product introduction page for it. As a reputable supplier in the industry, we take pride in offering high-quality Dark Tea, meticulously crafted to meet the diverse needs of our global clientele.

Dark tea

Dark tea extract



1. Antioxidant Properties: It is wealthy in polyphenols, theaflavins, and other cancer prevention agents, which offer assistance neutralize free radicals in the body. These cancer prevention agents ensure cells from oxidative harm and may decrease the chance of unremitting illnesses such as cardiovascular illness and cancer.
2. Digestive Wellbeing: It is accepted to advance stomach related wellbeing and help in assimilation. It contains compounds that may offer assistance control intestine microbiota, make strides bowel developments, and ease indications of acid reflux and bloating.
3. Weight Administration: A few considers recommend that It may help in weight administration by boosting digestion system, expanding fat oxidation, and lessening fat retention. It may too offer assistance control craving and advance sentiments of totality, driving to decreased calorie intake.

Antioxidant Properties Digestive Wellbeing Weight Administration



1.  Dietary Supplements: It is commonly utilized as an fixing in dietary supplements, counting capsules, tablets, and fluid extricates. These supplements are taken orally to give the wellbeing benefits related with dull tea utilization, such as antioxidant bolster and stomach related health.
2.  Functional Nourishments and Refreshments: It is consolidated into useful nourishments and refreshments to improve their dietary esteem and give one of a kind flavors. It can be found in items such as tea mixes, vitality drinks, kombucha, and wellbeing tonics.
3.  Skincare Items: The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of it make it a profitable fixing in skincare items. It is regularly included in creams, serums, and covers to secure the skin from natural harm, diminish aggravation, and advance by and large skin health.
4.  Flavoring Specialist: Dark tea extract is utilized as a normal flavoring operator in culinary applications. It includes profundity and complexity to dishes, sauces, and sweets, giving a wealthy, natural taste.

Skincare Items Dietary Supplements Flavoring Specialist


OEM/ODM Services

At Xi'an RyonBio Biotechnology, we understand the importance of customization. Hence, we proudly offer comprehensive OEM/ODM services, allowing clients to tailor it formulations to their unique specifications. Our experienced team ensures seamless integration of client requirements, from formulation development to packaging design, fostering mutually beneficial partnerships.

ryonbio oem



Rest assured, our commitment to quality is backed by a range of prestigious certifications, including FSSC22000, ISO22000, HALAL, KOSHER, and HACCP. These certifications underscore our adherence to stringent international standards and reinforce our dedication to delivering products of the highest caliber.

ryonbio certificates


Our Factory

Situated in Xi'an, China, our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility embodies excellence in every aspect. Equipped with cutting-edge technology and operated by a skilled workforce, we uphold rigorous quality control measures throughout the production process. From raw material sourcing to final product packaging, precision and purity are paramount.

ryonbio factory


Why Choose Us?

  • Uncompromising Quality: We prioritize quality at every stage, ensuring consistency and efficacy in every batch.
  • Customization Capabilities: Our OEM/ODM services empower clients to actualize their vision, fostering innovation and differentiation.
  • Regulatory Compliance: With a comprehensive suite of certifications, we offer peace of mind regarding product safety and legality.
  • Transparent Communication: We value transparency and strive for open, honest communication with our clients, building trust and fostering long-term partnerships.
  • Commitment to Sustainability: Environmental stewardship is integral to our ethos, driving sustainable practices across our operations.

why choose ryonbio



Q:Is it safe for consumption?
A:When consumed in moderation, it is generally considered safe for most people. However, individuals with caffeine sensitivity or certain medical conditions should use caution. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.
Q:Where can I purchase it?
A:Dark tea supplements and products are available at pharmacies, health food stores, online retailers, and specialty stores focusing on natural and herbal products. It's essential to choose reputable brands and products that have been tested for quality and purity.


Logistics Packaging

To ensure product integrity and freshness, we utilize premium packaging materials designed to withstand the rigors of transportation. Each batch is meticulously sealed and labeled, with clear instructions for handling and storage.

ryonbio packaging


Contact Us

Ready to experience the unparalleled quality and versatility of Dark Tea Extract from Xi'an RyonBio Biotechnology? Contact us today at kiyo@xarbkj.com to discuss your requirements and embark on a journey of mutual success. Let's collaborate to unlock new possibilities in health and wellness.

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