What is ursolic acid powder?

What is Ursolic Acid Powder?

Ursolic acid powder is a natural compound known for its wide range of potential health benefits, making it a popular supplement. This article will explore its sources, benefits, and applications in various health contexts.


Natural Sources of Ursolic Acid Powder

The product is a triterpenoid found in many plants and herbs, including apple peels, rosemary, thyme, oregano, and holy basil. Apple peels are particularly notable as they were among the first sources where the product was identified. Rosemary leaf extract is another common source, recognized for its significant the product content which contributes to its anticancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Holy basil and Paulownia tomentosa are also important sources, with studies indicating their potential in preventing liver damage and promoting overall health through their the product content​ (Journal Of Nutrition)​​ (NutriAvenue)​.

Sources of Ursolic Acid

ursolic acid powder


Health Benefits of Ursolic Acid Powder

Ursolic Acid Powder offers numerous health benefits, largely attributed to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer properties. As an antioxidant, it helps neutralize free radicals, reducing oxidative stress and cellular damage. Its anti-inflammatory effects are beneficial in treating conditions like psoriasis and other autoimmune diseases by suppressing inflammatory pathways.

In cancer research, the product has shown promise in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells and inducing apoptosis, particularly in skin cancer. Additionally, it supports muscle growth and enhances exercise performance by increasing muscle protein synthesis and reducing muscle wasting, making it popular among athletes and bodybuilders. Its role in fat metabolism is also notable, as it inhibits fat cell formation and promotes fat breakdown, aiding in weight management​ (Journal Of Nutrition)​​ (NutriAvenue)​​ (Muscle & Fitness)​.

1.Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Ursolic acid's anti-inflammatory properties are one of its most well-documented advantages. Persistent irritation is a contributing component to numerous infections, including joint pain, cardiovascular sicknesses, and certain tumors. The product inhibits the activity of nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-B), a protein complex that regulates the immune response to inflammation, assisting in the modulation of inflammatory pathways. Also, the product can diminish the creation of favorable to fiery cytokines, in this way offering possible alleviation in conditions portrayed by ongoing aggravation.

2.Antioxidant Effects

Bulk ursolic acid powder displays solid cancer prevention agent properties, which assist with shielding cells from oxidative pressure brought about by free extremists. Free radicals are unstable molecules that have the potential to harm parts of cells, which can cause a variety of diseases and aging. the product in the prevention of cellular damage by neutralizing these free radicals. This antioxidant effect is especially good for the health of the skin because it can help reduce signs of aging and protect the skin from stressors from the environment like UV light.

3.Muscle Growth and Fat Reduction

Ursolic acid's potential to encourage muscle growth and fat loss has been demonstrated by research, making it particularly relevant to sports nutrition and weight management. By decreasing the expression of genes related to muscle atrophy and boosting insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) expression, the product boosts muscle mass. Also, it has been found to increment energy consumption and decline diet-prompted stoutness by advancing the sautéing of white fat tissue, which improves thermogenesis and fat consuming.

4.Improved Metabolic Health

The product can uphold metabolic wellbeing by further developing glucose digestion and upgrading insulin awareness. As a result, people with metabolic conditions like type 2 diabetes may benefit from it. The product has been shown to lower the risk of metabolic syndrome by raising blood glucose levels and lipid profiles. Its capacity to alter key enzymes and signaling pathways involved in glucose and lipid metabolism is the cause of these effects.

5.Cardiovascular Protection

The product has a variety of positive effects on the cardiovascular system. Atherosclerosis is a condition characterized by the accumulation of fatty deposits in the arteries, which can lead to heart disease and stroke. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties help protect against this condition. The product likewise further develops lipid profiles by lessening levels of LDL cholesterol (frequently alluded to as "awful" cholesterol) and expanding HDL cholesterol (the "upside" cholesterol). Moreover, the product has been displayed to upgrade endothelial capability, which is urgent for keeping up with vascular wellbeing and forestalling hypertension.



Cardiovascular Protection

Muscle Growth and Fat Reduction


Applications and Dosage of Ursolic Acid Powder

Bulk ursolic acid powder is available in various forms, including capsules, tablets, and powders. The choice of form depends on the desired application and individual preferences. Capsules are preferred for their fast absorption and high bioavailability, while tablets are valued for their durability and ease of storage.

The typical dosage of the product varies based on the intended use and individual health status. For general health benefits, a common dosage ranges from 200 to 500 mg daily. However, it is essential to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the appropriate dosage based on specific health needs and conditions​ (NutriAvenue)​​ (Muscle & Fitness)​.





Mitigating Impacts:
The product is an effective anti-inflammatory. Key inflammatory enzymes like cyclooxygenase (COX) and lipoxygenase (LOX) are inhibited by it. These compounds assume a basic part in the fiery cycle by delivering supportive of provocative go betweens. By repressing these compounds, the product reduces conditions portrayed by persistent aggravation, like joint pain and incendiary entrail sickness.

Cancer prevention agent Movement:
As a strong cancer prevention agent, the product kills free extremists that can cause oxidative pressure and harm cells. Certain cancers, cardiovascular conditions, and age-related diseases can all be avoided with the help of this property. The cell reinforcement action of the product likewise upholds skin wellbeing, making it a significant fixing in enemy of maturing skincare items.

Potential to Combat Cancer:
The product has been displayed to prompt apoptosis (customized cell demise) and repress the expansion of malignant growth cells in different examinations. Its ability to alter multiple signaling pathways that are involved in the development and progression of cancer is the source of its anti-tumor properties. The product targets pathways that are essential for cell survival, proliferation, and metastasis, including NF-kB, STAT3, and PI3K/Akt.

Bulk Upgrade:
Due to its ability to promote muscle growth, the product has gained popularity in the fitness and bodybuilding communities. Research demonstrates that it advances muscle hypertrophy and diminishes muscle decay by expanding insulin-like development factor 1 (IGF-1) and diminishing muscle debasement markers. Because of this, it could be a supplement for people who want to increase their strength and muscle mass.

Vitality in the Body:
The product has been displayed to work on metabolic boundaries, making it gainful for people with metabolic condition, type 2 diabetes, and stoutness. It reduces body fat accumulation, increases glucose uptake, and raises insulin sensitivity. These impacts are part of the way intervened through the enactment of AMP-initiated protein kinase (AMPK), a critical controller of energy digestion.

Bulk Upgrade

Potential to Combat Cancer

Vitality in the Body



In summary, ursolic acid powder is a versatile supplement with a wide range of potential health benefits, from antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects to supporting muscle growth and fat metabolism. Its natural sources include various fruits and herbs, making it a valuable addition to health and wellness regimens. For those interested in exploring the benefits of the product powder, it is advisable to consult with healthcare professionals to determine the best form and dosage to suit individual health goals.If you want to learn more about this kind of it, welcome to contact us at kiyo@xarbkj.com



  1. Journal of Nutrition. "Ursolic Acid: A Comprehensive Overview."
  2. NutriAvenue. "Ursolic Acid Powder: Uses, Benefits, and More."
  3. Muscle & Fitness. "Ursolic Acid: Getting the Most of its Anabolic Potential."